TA Nieman


TA Nieman

TA Nieman


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  • Member Since

    Nov 2023

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    12 December


Since the age of 10, TA has wanted to be a writer. She was able to publish a small book of poetry in high school, but never made it her focus in life until she was older. After getting married at 19, and having her first of three children in her 20s, she focused on her career and being a mom.

In the 2010s, she was introduced to fanfiction and started writing again. This helped her dive into fantasy and fiction, moving away from poetry, and she found a home there.

TA and her best friend enjoy writing together and discussing all aspects of queer culture - both good and bad - and encouraging others to learn and grow along with the community. TA can be found hiding in her room, writing or reading queer romance novels at almost all times…or watching hockey! Occasionally she comes out of her cave, and enjoys spending time with her dog and numerous cats, and of course watching Marvel or Star Wars with her family.

TA Nieman Books

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